Conference Schedule
MLTI 2020 features three components to help students develop the research, ideation, and prototyping skills that lie at the heart of every succesful innovator.
MLTI 2020 features three components to help students develop the research, ideation, and prototyping skills that lie at the heart of every succesful innovator.
The Pre-Conference experience allows participants to submit preferences for block sessions, review the innovation challenge categories, and review resources related to the conference pitch competition and $10,000 prototype challenge.
In doing so, participants begin to exercise and develop research skills related to the first step in the design-thinking process: "Understand."
The 2020 virtual conference introduces students to a variety of topics in education across the spectrum in technologically-enhanced learning, including animation, augmented reality, design, gaming, music, productivity, robotics, and video.
Participants will gain knowledge, deepen existing skills, and develop new skills. Additionally, they will experiment with different tools and resources that prepare them for the "Explore" phase of the design-thinking process.
Building off of their experience at the conference, participants can choose to continue on to the $10,000 Innovation Challenge. In this phase, student participants pair up to develop an innovation in one of the five challenge categories to help Maine realize its 2030 vision.
In the spirit of the "Materialize" phase of design-thinking, team entries will be evaluated on how well they have researched, explored, and applied their conference skills to create a prototype of their product. The prototype can be in the form of an executive summary, slide deck, demo of the product, all three forms, or some other representation of the innovation! A winner will be selected in each of the five challenge categories and each student on the team receives a $1,000 scholarship award from UMaine.
For more information, please click here.